
Mp3 rocket for mac
Mp3 rocket for mac

mp3 rocket for mac

Now to install the ripper in question, type " pip install youtube-dl", again all should be well, if not get searching google again for answers. then you probably did something weird/wrong/unusual, personally i would scream/shout and panic at this point, or default to a good old google to see wth went wrong. Type the following " pip install requests" - hopefully that will all work ( requests is also often needed by OBS scripts), if not. Go to your winblows start menu and type CMD, then right mouse on it and run it with administrator rights, it MUST be admin access or adding some needed packages will fail.

mp3 rocket for mac

Once installed I always do a reboot or logout/login here as the path entry probably will not kick in until then.

mp3 rocket for mac

Scroll to the far bottom and pick the type you want x86-64 obv is for 64bit and x86 is for 32bit, use the installer versions, once downloaded run the installer and tick pretty much everything, ensuring you definatly have the "Add Python to PATH" option added, this is so you wont be greeted with an error message when you try and use it in the DOS/CMD Prompt.

  • Aquire Python ( again, totally free), it is best to use version 3.6.x, moreso if you are an OBS user as you will quickly find that many OBS scripts if not all will misbehave or flat out not work on 3.7.x.
  • I used Winblows but all this stuff is available for linux as well. I find the better way is to use YOUTUBE-DL via PYTHON, mostly because i run OBS and PYTHON / PIP installs are considered far safer than maybe accidentally downloading the wrong thing, so here is a quick and easy way to set it all up, including a quick batch file i made to simplify downloading either single yt links or a whole playlists worth. As most will tell you, YOUTUBE-DL is the best option to use here and is free/safe, some people may be after music because reasons and some may be after an easy way to download a load of no-copyright tunes in bulk for streaming without having to do so 1 at a time, this is all achievable with YOUTUBE-DL.

    Mp3 rocket for mac